Centrifugal separators and pumps
Centrifugal separators and pumps are manufactured for separation of different products and widely applied in different branches of industry; in automobile economy, at petrol stations, railway depots, power stations, transforming stations, industrial enterprises, marine and inland water transport, oil and gas pipe-lines (cleaning of lubricating oils for reduction gears of rotary balanced jacks), in dairy (SM-500), medical and chemical industries (ESC-10) etc. The basic purpose of separators SC-0.5, SC-1.5 and SC-3.0 is the cleaning of oil-products from water and mechanical impurities. Class of purity of purified liquid is 4…5 GOST 17216. Residual water in purified oil-product – not more than 0.1%, mechanical impurities – 0.06%.
Reliability of fuel equipment’s performance is significantly increased and life time of engines is accordingly risen.
It lets to use scavenge oils and hydraulic fluids for the second time and gives the opportunity to economize money on purchasing of extra volume of oil-products and to improve ecological situation.
It lowers the content of pollutants in exhaust gases of motor transport, which pollute air of our cities.
Separators are characterised by easy operation and maintenance, effective cleaning of products, relatively low price.
Centrifugal self-sucking motor-pump CBN-4S “Neptun” is intended for water supply from reservoirs for economic needs.