Padeai Valerie Yurjevich
1 assistant to the general director
Phone: (342) 238-94-07
Turdakov Ilja Davidovich
The chief engineer
Phone: (342) 238-94-13
Jshunin Valerie Andreivich
The assistant to the general director on commerce
Phone: (342) 238-94-11
Факс: (342)238-94-77
Uchakov Dmitrij Viktorovich
The assistant to the general director under the finance and economy
Phone: (342) 238-94-09


614990, Perm, GSP, ul. Dzerzhinskogo, 1
Phone: (342)238-94-67- Factory
238-94-11,238-94-07 -The trading house
Fax: (342)238-94-62
E-mail: info@zid/perm/ru.